Delete a file (DELETE)
Use the DELETE method to delete a record and the file.
This endpoint works exacly like the CRUD DELETE endpoint, the only difference is that it deletes the file as well.
uniqueId - The uniqueId is required to delete the record and file.
Request data
URL format: https://baseUrl/versionNumber/customEndpointRoute/userEndpoint?key=apiKey&uniqueId=uniqueId
Request Parameters
The following table describes the Request parameters.
Parameter | Description | Required |
baseUrl | Base url for calling the API. Value: | Yes |
versionNumber | Service version. Value: The current value is 1. | Yes |
customEndpointRoute | The route which identifies custom endpoints. Default value: ce | Yes |
userEndpoint | The endpoint name generated by the user. Value: the name created at | Yes |
apiKey | The API Key of the project. | Yes |
uniqueId | uniqueId of the record to be deleted. | Yes |
masterKey | Overrides the need for Access tokens or restrictions applied to Authentication endpoints. Don't use this key in your client application. For more information please refer to projects. Value: the masterKey created at | No |
Request Cookies
Header | Description | Required |
__Secure-rested-access-token | The Access token is required for secure endpoints. It is obtained when doing a login and it is stored in an httpOnly cookie. To automatically include it in the request you need to set the following property:
Alternatively you can also use the Authorization header. For more information please refer to the login documentation and Secure Endpoints documentation. | Yes - if endpoint is secure and Authorization header is not used |
Request Headers
Header | Description | Required |
Authorization | The Access token is required for secure endpoints. You should use this header if you are not using the httpOnly cookie to access a Secure endpoint. For more information please refer to the login documentation and Secure Endpoints documentation. | Yes - if endpoint is secure and httpOnly cookie is not used |
Usage example
const url = "";
fetch(url, {
method: 'DELETE',
Response data
Error codes
Error code | Description |
400 | Possible reasons:
401 | If the endpoint is secured and the access token is missing or is not valid. It may also return this error if the user no longer exists. |
403 | Missing API Key, not allowed origin or disallowed request without orign. |
Successful response
deleted: true,
message: 'Data deleted.'